Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Journal Entry for October 22nd, 2009

Nothing much to say about today...
Kelas hari ini sungguh blazing hell-hot. Walau sudah pakai dua AC dan dua kipas angin, teuteup... gerahnya minta ampun! Entah dari mana asal kepengapan yang semestinya tidak ada di musim hujan ini. I guess Balikpapan memang bukan kota yang cocok dengan ketetapan musim di Indonesia. Hmmh...
About the lesson, today we had no classes selain English dan Fisika.. Tetapi gak ada rasa-rasa sekolahnya. Di pelajaran English hanya disuruh mengerjakan latihan yang tidak dikumpulkan hari ini. Fisika? Hmh. Nothing related to lesson, just personal stories. Something that always happens when the teacher comes to class late. Secara pokok PR untuk besok hanyalah:
  • Bahasa Indonesia : Laporan Peristiwa, nothing specific I can say.
-End of journal.

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

The Journal of October 21st, 2009

The more we talk about a subject, the less we feel the presence of it. Contohnya saja ketika kita sering sekali menggunakan kata 'metik' untuk menggantikan kata 'matematika', kita tidak akan menyadari apa yang salah dari kata itu. the pronouncation of METIK = MATIC, MATIC itu artinya mesin AUTOMATIK! hahahahaaa...!!

Speaking of which, di hari ini subjek matematika kami memasuki materi Statistika. yeaahh!! Statistika means Data, and Data means Survey. Di awal-awal pelajaran kami mendapati kunjungan dari anak-anak kelas sebelah untuk mensurvey macam-macam hal dari kami, sebagai wujud praktek pelajaran matematika. Dan survey itu dilaksanakan secara mendadak pada pagi hari saat kami sedang belajar Biologi. Started from Winona. Bu Dyah dengan berat hati memperbolehkan. Setelah selesai taking samples (wtf?) dari kelas kami, dia pergi dengan hasil survey tentang merk HP yang kami gunakan. The lesson continued... Tak lama, Hafizh datang mengetuk pintu. Tidak perlu menjadi jenius untuk menduga apa urusan dia datang. Heck yea, I was so right. Dan tidak perlu menjadi Einstein untuk menebak jawaban Bu Dyah. 'No,'. So, Biology lesson continued once again...

Speaking of which once more, pelajaran Biologi hari ini juga memasuki materi baru: Vegetative Reproduction. Bermateri pokok tentang reproduksi vegetatif, baik secara alami maupun buatan manusia. Ngomong-ngomong soal buatan manusia... oke, oke. lompatan topik perlu diberhentikan. This is such a monotone.

Beralih ke pelajaran agama hari ini, kami juga mempelajari materi baru: Perilaku Terpuji. Perilaku terpuji di sini doesn't mean everything that is nice to be done. It has its own curriculum. Perilaku Qanaah dan Tasamuh. We got to do the student worksheet and then the teacher left. As always.

Basically, the lessons today left homeworks like this:
  • Biologi : membawa 10 jenis bunga (tanpa organ tumbuhan lain) berbiji dan masing-masing contoh dari tanaman rimpang, umbi akar, umbi batang & umbi lapis (28/10/'09)
  • Agama : mengerjakan LKS hal. 28-30 (bawa BKIS buat jaga2, haha) (25/10/'09)
  • MTK : mengerjakan buku Yudhistira hal. 94/95 no. 2 saja (22/10/'09)

Well, I guess this journal ends right now. Nothing to write. Besides, I gotta watch OVJ. Ciao!!

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009


Ah, morning... The sweet smell of success. Oh, no. That's not exactly a fine foreword. Let me rewrite one.
Days and days pass, either we realize it or not. And no past can come back, even with the most humongous miracle possible. That's why I am here to give my first, and hopefully not last, appearance on this blog since the new semester started. I did not post any archives from that time, mostly because my first impression on the new class was not so good. I was like "Ugh, this class sucks. There's no way I can make a nice article up from it" and whining "I want my old class back, old class back..." but then I thought: Always look on a bright side. I will eventually find my own class' drama. Then hell, it all turned out bright, even though I still think my previous class was better. Especially with Ojhie stays still. Living in this class is simply just like reading a hard novel. You have to observe it more than twice to understand it completely and get along with the storyline. OK, so here I am: Once again trying to be an administrator plus contributor in this blog I made myself. I hope this attempt will not turn into a less-spirited dimwit project... again. Thank you for reading and wish me luck for the next articles.